All of this could take a person a lot smarter than me to figure out, but simply put, the elected officials of this nation are a mirror of the people they represent, at least from a democratic point of view. We, as a nation, have in recent years overextended ourselves and the chickens are coming home to roost. We, as a people, have gone through years of easy credit and we all took advantage of that and now our own chickens are coming home to roost.
Many people, who otherwise are very nice people, family people, have run up excessive amounts of credit and now they find that they have to pay for these bills with less money coming in and this is putting a squeeze on the entire economy.
Most people would love to say that they are savers, but the contrary is more often true. Most people want what they want, when they want it and if they have to pay for whatever it is they want over time, then so be it, that is as long as the income continues to pay for these precious items or services we have purchased.
To sum up, it is time to pay the Piper! We all have had to tighten our belts and not reach for the credit card so easily. Most people have realized that in order to pay for the credit we have enjoyed, we now have to pay it back. This is harder to do because most of us are not making the same amount of money we did when we ran up the credit. The same is true for our government. When our countries GDP was high, we were a credit worthy nation. Now that we as a country are not making as much money as we used to make, it is time to cinch in the old belt and start paying for what we can afford and pay down our debt, just as all of us have to do if we are going to have anything in the way of rainy day money. Our problems are not the fault of millionaires, nor are they the fault of people who have to use food stamps to get by each month. Our problems are of our own making and we being Americans can figure out how each of us individually can get ourselves out of debt and start increasing our own net worth. In order for the government to handle the economic problems of our country, we need to think very hard in this election as to who we want representing us in making decisions that will affect not only us but our progeny. We need to vote for the law makers who mirror us as Americans, whatever our ideology and let the democratic system work. Hopefully, the right people will go to Washington who can make a difference, or stay in Washington, with the votes of the people to back them up and then maybe, we can try to not only turn our nation around, but by the significant fact that America is the only super power in the world, other nations will follow our lead into a future that is bereft of the encumbering debt that is bringing the world closer to the edge of its' own financial destruction.
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