Last night, my wife and I watched a meeting that was held by people who are concerned that the top people of the government, all the way up
to the President, have constructed a cobweb of lies and conspiracy that are so entangled and mish-mashed, that I believe the only way out is to tear the whole web out. Ed Bagley, Jr. chaired the meeting and many people say he is a little out there-but he does what he says he is going to do; he walks the walk and just doesn't talk the talk. The people involved in this meeting were scientists and reporters and others, including members of big business, who were actually trying to speak the truth- the reason for war is money and the money for this war will come from oil- Eleven Trillion dollars!
The President of the U.S., George W. Bush, is reported to have said that he needed another Pearl Harbor to get the people on his side. The first Pearl Harbor was apparently a set up by FDR, who knew all the ideas of the Japanese, as their codes had been cracked for a year. FDR wanted to go to war, even as the rest of the U.S. maintained a restrained isolationism. FDR believed that we as a country would come into our own if we stood up to the fascist dictator from Germany, even if we had to side with the Russians to accomplish victory. The majority of the U.S. had no desire to go 'over there' to fight a war that didn't effect us. Only 16% of the population approved of getting involved in the war, so FDR, decided to dangle the bait in front of the Japanese, the whole of our Pacific fleet located at Pearl Harbor. FDR realized that Japan had to make the first move. We as a country, didn't have the backbone, or the desire to unilaterally join in the battle without someone picking a fight with us first, so FDR gave the Japanese the chance to knock out the Pacific fleet in one fell swoop, thus creating the reason behind which everyone could coalesce in order to justify going to war. The thing was that he knew they were coming. Evidence has shown that the U.S. had cracked the Japanese codes for over a year and that they weren't doing anything that the U.S. didn't know about ahead of time. So he let them come on and the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, over one million young people signed up to fight in the war. The means justifies the end, they say. Hitler was eventually defeated, as were the Japanese, but at what cost. The Torah teaches that one life saved is equivalent to saving the whole world. How many worlds were lost for the ambition of politicians? Yet at the same time, Hitler had to be destroyed. Does the means justify the end?
Now here we are again in a war that nobody wants, yet the neo-cons, the young Republicans, are still out for blood, this time the blood of Iranians. Yes, the leader of Iran is a kook of the first order and he and his nuclear ambitions have to be stopped whatever it takes. Yet, it may come down to the generals of the military putting a stop to the madness coming out of the White House. There is talk of the top brass resigning if it comes down to it. I hope that reason will out and that the State Department will start doing their job, which up till now has not been in evidence, just talk with no strength behind the words. The reputed most powerful nation in the world must have some strength behind their words, mustn't they? How can we as a nation stand up to the ugliness of this world, which we must do in order to maintain the moral high ground, if the Presidents' administration is going about running some sort of secret government? The media has already pointed out the size of the private armies being run out of the White House. There is much evidence to suggest that this administration at the least knew about the attack on New York and the Pentagon and more than that, they may have been conspiratorially involved in a huge way, even to the point of working with the government of New York City, Rudolph Guiliani and others in closing down huge sections of the city during the week prior to the attack in order for some organization to plant explosives in the buildings that were brought down. I realize that is a far reaching conspiracy that would be capable of such a dastardly crime, but nothing in this country has looked or been the same since this administration has taken over.
The President of the U.S., George W. Bush, is reported to have said that he needed another Pearl Harbor to get the people on his side. The first Pearl Harbor was apparently a set up by FDR, who knew all the ideas of the Japanese, as their codes had been cracked for a year. FDR wanted to go to war, even as the rest of the U.S. maintained a restrained isolationism. FDR believed that we as a country would come into our own if we stood up to the fascist dictator from Germany, even if we had to side with the Russians to accomplish victory. The majority of the U.S. had no desire to go 'over there' to fight a war that didn't effect us. Only 16% of the population approved of getting involved in the war, so FDR, decided to dangle the bait in front of the Japanese, the whole of our Pacific fleet located at Pearl Harbor. FDR realized that Japan had to make the first move. We as a country, didn't have the backbone, or the desire to unilaterally join in the battle without someone picking a fight with us first, so FDR gave the Japanese the chance to knock out the Pacific fleet in one fell swoop, thus creating the reason behind which everyone could coalesce in order to justify going to war. The thing was that he knew they were coming. Evidence has shown that the U.S. had cracked the Japanese codes for over a year and that they weren't doing anything that the U.S. didn't know about ahead of time. So he let them come on and the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, over one million young people signed up to fight in the war. The means justifies the end, they say. Hitler was eventually defeated, as were the Japanese, but at what cost. The Torah teaches that one life saved is equivalent to saving the whole world. How many worlds were lost for the ambition of politicians? Yet at the same time, Hitler had to be destroyed. Does the means justify the end?
Now here we are again in a war that nobody wants, yet the neo-cons, the young Republicans, are still out for blood, this time the blood of Iranians. Yes, the leader of Iran is a kook of the first order and he and his nuclear ambitions have to be stopped whatever it takes. Yet, it may come down to the generals of the military putting a stop to the madness coming out of the White House. There is talk of the top brass resigning if it comes down to it. I hope that reason will out and that the State Department will start doing their job, which up till now has not been in evidence, just talk with no strength behind the words. The reputed most powerful nation in the world must have some strength behind their words, mustn't they? How can we as a nation stand up to the ugliness of this world, which we must do in order to maintain the moral high ground, if the Presidents' administration is going about running some sort of secret government? The media has already pointed out the size of the private armies being run out of the White House. There is much evidence to suggest that this administration at the least knew about the attack on New York and the Pentagon and more than that, they may have been conspiratorially involved in a huge way, even to the point of working with the government of New York City, Rudolph Guiliani and others in closing down huge sections of the city during the week prior to the attack in order for some organization to plant explosives in the buildings that were brought down. I realize that is a far reaching conspiracy that would be capable of such a dastardly crime, but nothing in this country has looked or been the same since this administration has taken over.
When one walks into a basement that is unlit and smells the rot and mold and feels the cobwebs all around him, the only thing to do is to do a thorough and efficient cleaning of the whole premises. That is what is needed in this country right now, a thorough and efficient cleaning of the whole mess, from top to bottom. It is time for the people's voice to be heard again and responded to in a vigorous fashion. The representatives of the people of this nation need to do more than just shake their heads as if agreeing on the principle which the people voice and then go ahead with business as usual, as has been the case for far too long, including these so-called non-binding resolutions which may say a lot but have no power behind them. The representatives need to act and if they don't want to act, then replace them with people who will represent the area they are obligated to in an honorable and forthright fashion. We need action, not just talk. And the action needs to be representative of the nation and its' will, not just a body of legislators who are only beholding to big business and corporations who are after nothing more than profit.
We basically have a two party system of democracy in the United States of America, any kind of other party is shunted to the side, yet do the two parties, the REPUBLICAN(CORPORATE SUBSET ONE), or the DEMOCRATS(CORPORATE SUBSET TWO), really represent the interests of the local people who make up the majority of the voting public? I truly believe it is time for some house cleaning and not just perfunctory in nature. We need to start over! There needs to be enough parties out there who can truly represent each section of America and voice their needs and wants and desires. That would constitute a true democracy and not be made up of entrenched bureaucrats who artificially represent their district, take the perks from corporations and big business and then when the time is right, they go to work for lobbyists on K Street, the power brokers who have the ear of the right person in Congress to get legislation passed that helps out the big guy and get paid megabucks for doing it. But, who is on K Street that speaks for the local guys and women who make up the majority of the population of this country, but have almost no voice in what happens in Congress, at least not one that is heard. This is not a country of one size fits all and to have this large a population in a democratic country and have only two viable parties is anathema to the democratic process.
So, how do we clean the house up and get rid of all the spiderwebs of conspiracy and deceit that seem to be the acknowledged way that things are done? Term Limits! Twelve years (two terms) in the Senate and Twelve years (six terms) in the House of Representatives.Then a waiting period of five long years before a former representative of the people may offer his/her services to the lobbyists trying to control the power brokers with large amounts of political contributions, help with gaining tenure on powerful committees and the assured re-election to their distinct positions in Congress.
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