Thursday, January 4, 2007

What is really happening?

The North American Union, The United States of North America, The Union of Corporations and Elitists in North America- Pick your own name for this new world order that the President of the United States along with his counterparts in Mexico and Canada have decided to create. Supposedly, it's all about SECURITY! Yeah- BE SCARED! BE VERY, VERY SCARED! Or maybe you would rather follow the line of reasoning that goes like this- "This collaboration will provide a corridor for goods and services that will enable blah, blah blah..."
The truth is that whenever you listen to anyone talk, if you really listen to what they are saying, they are telling you what is on their mind and what they are planning to do. The husband who has been cheating on his wife talks about adultery, etc. The Bush family has been talking about a new world order for over 15 years and most of us have just let it slip past our ears.
A drug smuggler gets complete protection from being charged with any crime, while the Border Patrol agents who shot him in the ass, while he was trying to escape custody go to jail.
There was a lot of hoopla right before Congress went home in the Fall about the President signing the Fence Bill along the border between Mexico and the U.S. Now we hear that even though the bill was signed there probably won't be any/enough money provided by Congress to build the fence and maybe they will try to get by with a virtual fence. What is the point? We won't need a fence if we are all part of the same country, or Union.
Several years ago, a man tried to come into the U.S. through Canada with enough explosive material to tear apart his target, the airport in LAS ANGELES. Now why would any clear thinking terrorist try to come through a checkpoint, when all he has to do is walk through the woods, or ride on a four wheeler. Today, armed men approached a checkpoint on the Mexican border manned by our National Guard. There orders- retreat! What is really happening?

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