Lou Dobbs reported today that Agent Ramos was beaten in jail over the weekend. Surprise, surprise! For months Lou Dobbs has warned on his CNN show, that if these two brave agents were sent to a Federal Penitentiary, the agents would be in danger for their lives due to the fact that they had been Federal Border Patrol Agents and had been responsible for many of the arrests that put some of their cell mates in prison. Now it has happened! And the Democrats in Congress are not speaking out at all concerning this obvious miscarriage of justice, rather they are saying that this is a Republican problem and they are sitting back and allowing the Republicans to try and work things out with the Republican President, who by all accounts, has no intention of giving these two agents a Presidential Pardon.
To top off the seemingly never-ending incredulous aspects of this story, the Inspector General for the Homeland Security Department testifies to a Congressional oversight committee that members of the Homeland Security Department who had previously testified before Congress concerning the two agents had out-and-out lied to the Congressional Committee in an attempt to persuade the Congressional Committee to drop their investigation into the goings-on in this case, trying to represent both Campean and Ramos as rogue agents out to shoot some Mexican illegals.
Even with all of this evidence and the fact that (3) of the jurors who found the two agents guilty now say they were coerced into their decision to find them guilty, the President, upon whom the final decision concerning a pardon rests, has resolutely stated that he will not give the two men a pardon.
New evidence coming to the forefront of this Congressional investigation suggests that the lead prosecutor for the Justice Department, Johnny Sutton, was told to go after these two men with a vengence in order to placate the Mexican government of Vincente Fox and the man who Fox backed in the recent Mexican Presidential election. This willingness to forego any semblance of justice and this Administrations desire to go ahead with the so-called North American Union, which would essentially bypass all borders and regulations concerning borders in order to make it easier for big business and corporations to do business across the Canadian and Mexican borders, flies in the face of all that we, as Americans should hold dear, that being National pride and independence and American sovereignty.
So, in essence, the case of these two unfortunate Border Patrol agents, is just a small part of a much bigger picture. The Administration of George W. Bush wants to create a New World Order, not unlike the one his father wanted to create when he was President, with the Western Hemisphere, both North and South America joining together in a business coalition, not unlike the European Union, that benefits the bottom line of large multi-national corporations and elitist businessmen, who don't want Unions, or anyone else telling them how to make money, no matter how many individual people are hurt in the process, especially the hard-working middle class of America who have shared the dream of making this world a better place for their children than it was for them. Now that dream is being shattered by companies who can buy cheap overseas labor from people who don't demand overtime, pension plans or health coverage because they are so glad just to be working.
Just like with Richard Nixon, it won't be a large scandal that brings down the Bush Administration, it will simply be the Administrations' arrogant belief that they are above the law of the nation they represent. Who knows, it might even happen because some small time drug smuggler was given immunity from prosecution.